Anyone who is interested in rehabilitation services and meets our admission criteria is welcome at Foundation House. We are non-judgemental and we are caring. We have established an Assessment Procedure to help us to work with clients from the outset to identify their drug, alcohol and gambling, health and welfare needs and determine whether the services we provide meet their requirements.
Foundation House currently has an extensive waiting list and, once on the waiting list, we ask you to call in twice a week so we can retain your spot and get you into treatment as soon as possible
Here are the steps that make up our initial Assessment Procedure:
- Potential clients wishing to go on the waiting list need to call (02) 9555-4034 Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm or Email: [email protected]. One of our team members will talk through the information that we need to gather in order to determine if Foundation House is the best option for the client.
- Clients must phone between 9am & 12 noon Mondays and Fridays to retain their place on waiting list. Please stay in touch with us! Failure to call will cause your name to be removed from the list.
- Clients may be required to provide documentation regarding medications, mental health, Centrelink status and criminal history and forward to us prior to assessment.
- Foundation House clients may need to engage in a medically supervised detoxification prior to admission into the program. We can discuss what this involves on the phone.
- A face to face assessment is booked in with the client.
- A date for admission is then organised for the client.
Foundation House has specific criteria for admission into our programs. These are in place to give clients the support, and safety; they need to succeed in their rehabilitation. This Criteria includes:
- Clients are required to provide a supervised urine sample within 30 minutes of arriving for admission and provide a supervised breath test upon arrival.
- Random Urine tests and random breath tests may be taken at any time during the program.
- A photograph for identification purposes will be taken on admission.
- Clients must have no pending court cases within the 28 days of the program.
- Clients must be 3 months separated from incarceration.
- Clients must be 5 days clean from all substances (except 14 days from Buprenorphine, Methamphetamines and Methadone maintenance programs.)
- There is to be no taking drugs or alcohol and no gambling while at Foundation House.
- All groups, assignments and activities are compulsory and you have a responsibility to be on time.
- Clients are expected to keep the unit clean and share in house cleaning duties.
- Applicants who give information which is later found to be false or misleading may be subject to discharge after admission.
- Clients will need to organise their Centrelink benefits prior to admission or be able to meet the required weekly payments.
We have created these processes and criteria to set clients up for the best chance for success and treatment in their program.
If you have any feedback (compliments/complaints) please click on the “Get In Touch” button below