Mental Health Wellness and Suicide Prevention
FOUNDOBLUE is a program which has been developed to raise awareness, encourage engagement, provide links to supports, promotes group support networks and advocate self-care across the NSW construction industry.
The program is focused on mental health wellness, suicide prevention and building confidence in supporting help seeking behaviour from within the industry.
FOUNDOBLUE program is strategically targeted to meet the holistic mental health needs of the NSW construction industry and accomplishes this with respect, compassion and authenticity.
For more information or to join the FoundoBlue program, please email, [email protected]

- The General Awareness is a one hour session
No more than 30 participants, so as to maximise engagement during the session
Two facilitators in each session to ensure safety & attend to anybody who may be triggered bythe content
The FoundoBlues can be recruited from the GA sessions
FoundoBlue’s applicants are required to complete a risk assessment before offered the opportunity to become a FoundoBlue

- One day workshop, inclusive of Mental Health Wellness, Alcohol & Other Drugs, Gambling, Safetalk Suicide prevention by (Livingworks), Self-care & Support Linkages
Group size no larger than 16 participants
Two facilitators ( 2 x Counsellors)

- Counselling
24 hour assistance
Quarterly Feedback session and professional development
Reduce the steps to assistance

- Onsite presence
Support FoundoBlue on site
24-48 hour post incident groups
Follow- up Groups 7 days & 28 days post incident ongoing support

- Develop research partnership with Universities
Thanks to our FoundoBlue Sponsors