

Why exercise is important in treatment of addiction, and why we incorporate it into our daily program.

At Foundation House, we incorporate a morning walk and yoga into our program which is a requirement for clients who enter our facility. Some clients ask why, some don’t ask at all. The reason is surrounding the theory that individuals who engage in regular aerobic exercise may be less likely to relapse and continue with drug-seeking behaviour. We integrate basic fitness into program as a form of meditation in motion. The minor concentration that someone places on the physicality of walking or yoga allows them to experience psychological and emotional benefits of meditation – even on the move. There is a release of endorphins throughout the body when you engage in exercise; related to a similar feeling when using drugs/alcohol/gambling. Research has shown that daily exercise, even for only 30 minutes, can reduce stress significantly over time. A chemical found in the brain (known as Galanin) considerably increases during and after exercise which has been shown to diminish stress-related cravings. "Several studies have shown that, in addition to these benefits, aerobic exercise has been effective in preventing the start, increase and relapse of substance use in a number of categories, including alcohol, nicotine, stimulants and opioids," says Panayotis Thanos, PhD, RIA senior research scientist. "Our work seeks to help identify the underlying neurobiological mechanisms driving these changes." Although we believe minor physical exercise is important to stay clean, it is not the only thing. It can be added to the recovering addict’s toolbox to be used when appropriate. Exercise can become an addiction in [...]

May 30th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Why exercise is important in treatment of addiction, and why we incorporate it into our daily program.

A Victoria man’s peril-filled journey from drug addiction to recovery

Article taken from TimesColonist Davin Holmes: “You think ‘this isn’t me’ — I hate people who lie, cheat and steal. Everything I hated in someone’s character, I became.” Photograph By ADRIAN LAM, TIMES COLONIST A Victoria plumber who lost everything to drug addiction and both his brothers to drug overdoses told politicians on Monday why therapeutic recovery works. Davin Holmes, 37, at the announcement of a proposed recovery program at the former youth-custody centre in View Royal, said a similar resident program in Nanaimo gave him the tools to change a life of self-destruction into self-development. “I got a message from my daughter last night and she told me that I was the best father a little girl could ever ask for and I have that back in my life thanks to places like this,” said Holmes. “When you pick people up you change the way they see the world and I believe the therapeutic community did that for me.” Holmes, physically fit and employed, is the antithesis of what he was when teenage drinking, smoking weed and ingesting drugs on Sointula, a small village on Malcolm Island, became addiction to opioids in Nanaimo and Courtenay. He limited his drug use to weekends. But at age 28, Holmes tried the opioid percocet. “That was what took me out, for sure,” Holmes said. “That’s where the physical dependence of the drug kind of took over my life.” Holmes moved from percocet to oxycodone to heroin. He started lying to his wife and spending a disproportionate amount [...]

May 16th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Victoria man’s peril-filled journey from drug addiction to recovery

Thank you!

  The team at Foundation House would like to send a huge thank you to all those who supported us by participating and donating to our Golf Day. Despite the rain, the day was a success and could not have been possible without the following businesses. A special thank you to Jodie Kelly and her team at Macquarie Links International Golf Club for for being great and generous hosts.     cbus Super Austral Steelfixing Pty Ltd Trademark Kitchens & Designs Lack Group BKG Group BTGDA AW Edwards Pty Ltd Morris C Painting ACE Demolition & Excavations Pty Ltd GVK Management Pty Ltd Titan Cranes & Rigging Pty Ltd Eastside Formwork Pty Ltd Nass Services Pty Ltd Transform NSW Sydney Labour & Constructions Pty Ltd City Steel Pty Ltd Deluxe Cleaning Pty Ltd Reds Global Personnel Pty Ltd DJD Brick & Blocklaying Pty Ltd Crane Resources Pty Ltd Everwilling Tower Cranes Pty Ltd Marr Contracting Pty Ltd Zenith Workforce Pty Ltd Metropolitan Demolitions Pty Ltd  Nitro Steelfixing Pty Ltd  Snell Vending/Global Vend Trazmet Pty Ltd

February 27th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Thank you!

12-Steps of Recovery

What we tell those in recovery is that the opposite of addiction is connection; this is what 12-Step recovery aims to achieve. Narcotics, Alcoholics and Gamblers Anonymous (NA, AA & GA) are designed to do just that – help recovering addicts connect with others in recovery as a means of social connection and interaction. Around the world, there are over 200,000 meetings in each fellowship being run by peers in recovery. They span across the city, rural areas and suburbia; with online meetings being added to accommodate those who can’t get to a meeting. Currently being used by millions of people around the world, 12-Step programs (like Foundation House) encourage people to take on a set of principles (the 12-Steps), to maintain abstinence, form bonds and then eventually help the newcomer. Through the 12-Steps, those in addiction can learn how to cope with their addictions, to avoid triggers and learn to live a life without substances. Admitting powerless over addiction is the first step, encouraging those to surrender their self-will over to their higher power of their own understanding. It is assumed throughout the world that AA/GA/NA are purely religion based – though this isn’t the case. ‘To a God of your own understanding’ is a term used frequently in rehabilitation centres and meetings that adopt the 12-Step recovery model; and that one word is what turns people away – God. A God of your own understanding is often referred to as ‘your higher power’, but this just isn’t religion. Your higher power could [...]

February 13th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on 12-Steps of Recovery

Foundation House Golf Day

Would you like the chance to play golf on a great Golf Course with lunch as well as support Foundation House? Well come along to our Golf Day on 26th February at Macquarie Links Golf Club, play a round of golf, have lunch and support Foundation House all at the same time. It will be a great day out - see the attached link for the invitation and get in early to book your spot. Hole Sponsorships are available, please call 9555-7852 for information. FH_Golf Day Invitation 3

January 16th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Foundation House Golf Day

Tux the Foundation House Dog says…………..

Tux wants to wish all Foundation House residents, ex-residents, staff and supporters a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.   . He'll be waiting to see you all again next year

December 22nd, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Tux the Foundation House Dog says…………..


Has a relative or a friend suggested you need to cut back on your alcohol intake?
CALL 9555 4034


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Family Support Group

Every Monday 7:30–9:30pm

Relapse Prevention Group

Every Wednesday 6:30–7:30pm

Problem Gambling Group

Every Thursday 7:00–8:00pm

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